This month I’ve come across some interesting statistics on the performance of Maq, Eland, and other short-read alignment tools as applied to Illumina/Solexa data. I took note because these programs are finally being evaluated against appropriate data sets, as opposed to simulated reads or tiny genomes. First the disclaimers: all of these numbers came from people other than myself (see Credits, below), so please forgive any inaccuracies. Also, this entry reflects my personal second-hand impressions of the different alignment tools, and should not be considered an endorsement or criticism of the different alignment tools by the WashU GC.
Short-Read Data Sets at the WashU Genome Center
One of our data sets includes 100+ Solexa runs (non-paired) from the genomic DNA of a single individual. We’ve applied a number of alignment tools to these data: Eland (part of the Illumina suite), Maq (free/open source), SX Oligo Search (proprietary), SlimSearch (proprietary), and even BLAT. Our group (Medical Genomics) is currently leaning toward Maq for read mapping and SNP discovery purposes. There’s recently been a new release of Maq (0.6.5) which seems to run substantially faster:
Metric | Maq 0.6.3 | Maq 0.6.5 |
Average alignment time for normal runs | 17.7 hours | 9.1 hours |
Max alignment time for a normal run | 240 hours | 28.8 hours |
Total number of jobs | 2168 | 1467 |
Jobs that took longer than 1 day | 443 | 3 |
The developer of Maq, Heng Li, presented a poster describing the Maq algorithm at CSHL last week and also gave a small workshop talk on issues in short read mapping. He sent these links out to the Maq user list along with a benchmarking comparison of various read mapping tools.
Heng Li’s Comparison of Short-Read Aligners
For the comparison, Heng generated 1 million simulated read-pairs from chromosome X. The numbers themselves are a bit mind-boggling, but fortunately he summarized the results with these notes:
- Eland: eland is definitely the fastest, much faster than all the competitors. What is more important, eland gives the number of alternative places, which makes it possible for you to get further information about the repetitive structures of the genome and to select reads that can be really confidently mapped. In addition, with the help of additional scripts, Eland IS able to map reads longer than 32bp. Eland is one of the best software I ever used. It would be even superior if Tony could make it easier to use for a user, like me, who wants to run eland independently of the GAPipeline.
- RMAP: the strength of rmap is to use base qualities to improve the alignment accuracy. I believe it can produce better alignment than maq -se because maq trades accuracy for speed at this point (technically it is a bit hard to explain here). Nonetheless, I think rmap would be more popular if its authors could add support for fastq-like quality string which is now the standard in both Illumina and the Sanger Institute (although maybe not elsewhere). rmap supports longer reads, which is also a gain. Furthermore, I did learn a lot from its way to count the number of mismatches.
- SOAP: soap is a versatile program. It supports iterative-trimmed alignment, long reads, gapped alignment, TAG alignment and PE mode. Its PE mode is easier to use than eland. In principle, soap and eland should give almost the same number of wrong alignments. However, soap gives 442 more wrong alignments. Further investigation shows that most of these 442 wrong ones are flagged as R? (repeat) by eland.
- SHRiMP: Actually I was not expecting that a program using seeding +Smith-Waterman could be that fast. So far as I know, all the other software in the list do not do Smith-Waterman (maq does for PE data only), which is why they are fast. SHRiMP’s normodds score has similar meaning to mapping quality. Such score helps to determine whether an alignment is reliable. The most obvious advantage is SHRiMP can map long reads (454/capillary) with the standard gapped alignment. If you only work with small genomes, SHRiMP is a worthy choice. I think SHRiMP would be better if it could make use of paired end information; it would be even better if it could calculate mapping quality. The current normodds score helps but is not exactly the mapping quality. In addition, I also modified probcalc codes because in 1.04 underflow may occur to long reads and leads to “nan” normodds. However, although my revision fixes the underflow, it may lead to some inaccurate normodds.
- Maq: at the moment maq is easier to use than eland. Supporting SNP calling is maq’s huge gain. Its paired end mode is also highly helpful to recover some repetitive regions. Maq’s random mapping, which is frequently misused by users who have not noticed mapping qualities, may be useful to some people, too, and at least it helps to call SNPs at the verge of repeats.
What a nice guy! Here he is, comparing his own tool against several competitors and he manages to praise the strengths of each one. That takes humility.
More Comments from Heng Li
Ken Chen, a colleague of mine, happened to discuss the benchmarking with Heng at Cold Spring Harbor. According to his evaluation, the current version of recently-published SOAP may be somewhat buggy (it had more mapping errors and crashed on paired-end alignment), but is nevertheless promising because it supports gapped alignment and longer reads. Paired-end alignment is perhaps Maq’s greatest strength; the alignment error rate from Maq for paired-end data is significantly reduced. Heng also mentioned that the upcoming new release of Eland will support longer read lengths (>32 bp) and will also calculate mapping quality scores.
Unbiased Comparisons of Short-Read Aligners
In summary, there are a number of competing tools for short read alignment, each with its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and caveats. It’s hard to trust any benchmarking comparison on tools like these because usually, it’s the developers of one of the tools that publish them. Here’s an idea: what if NHGRI, Illumina, or another group put together a short-read-aligning contest? They generate a few short-read data sets: real, simulated, with/without errors, with/without SNPs and indels, etc. Then, the developers of each aligner are invited to throw their best efforts at it. Every group submits the results to a DCC, which analyzes the results in a simple, unbiased way: # of reads placed correctly/incorrectly. # of SNPs/indels detected, missed, or false-positives. The results are published on a web site or in the literature for all to see. Yeah, I know, there are hurdles, like the fact that most proprietary tool developers would probably chicken out of an unbiased head-to-head comparison, given the stakes. But wouldn’t it be nice to know the results? Unless that happens, however, I think Heng’s analysis is about as unbiased as can be.
WashU GC Maq version comparisons were sent out by Jim Eldred on 5/01/2008. Heng Li’s benchmarking comparison was sent to the Maq user list on 5/12/2008. Additional comments from Heng Li were reported by Ken Chen on 5/12/2008.